Web 2.o is changing the way we use to computer and internet. Instead of just being a one way medium, it now allows for sharing, trading, and colloborating with others from all over the world. There is just an INCREDABLE amount of information being shared out there. Searching for new things. making comments, and posting comments can become almost addictive.
This journey has diffinately been interesting...The comment "you don't really know what your missing...." comes to mind when I think about this course. I had been hearing about his technology thing and didn't think I was that illieterate on the subject. Well I did not know just how much I didn't know until I took this class. It makes me think that if this is what my first Wed 2.o class is teaching what else don't I know. I like how I can actually keep up with and understand conversations now when people are talking about blogs, widgets, and wikis.
Since my services in the school are so specialized and the fact that I don't have a student computer or projector in my room I feel limited with what I can do with students. However I can see using some of the things I learned when collaborating or doing professional development with staff. I can also see myself using Google Doc to help when I have to proof read and edit graduate intern reports.
Personally I think I will use Delicious often. This is such an easy way to tag and organization in formation and to be able to access that information from any computer. I have to say that taking this course has encouraged me to take small steps into utilizing some of this new technology on Wed 2.0 in my classroom and during my personal life.
Even though I feel that I have learned a great deal, I definitely feel like I might need to take a look of the "Things" over again to increase my comfort level. Thank for offering this course. I have learned a lot (and plan on to continue learning more!)
Questions: Will you be e-mailing me before next week as to whether or not I have been successful at completing this course in order to earn the credit. That way it would allow me to add or complete anything that I might have missed. Thank you!
Karooba Endless Educational Trivia Quiz
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thing 22 - Create a Wiki
Here is the link to my wiki:
I think that it was much easier for meto get used to creating/editing a Wiki , then it was for creating/editing a blog. It was a lot easier to embed things into the wiki. Plus the editing and saving buttons were very visable and not complicated at all. I don't know if this was becuase it is actually easier or if I am just getting more used to the technology. I think using a wiki would be more appropriate when you wanted to collaborate with others. That way you could share the creating and editing duties. With a Blog, individuals could provide suggestions, but only the blog holder can make changes.
I think that it was much easier for meto get used to creating/editing a Wiki , then it was for creating/editing a blog. It was a lot easier to embed things into the wiki. Plus the editing and saving buttons were very visable and not complicated at all. I don't know if this was becuase it is actually easier or if I am just getting more used to the technology. I think using a wiki would be more appropriate when you wanted to collaborate with others. That way you could share the creating and editing duties. With a Blog, individuals could provide suggestions, but only the blog holder can make changes.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Thing 21 - Learn About Wikis
I had the most success with WikiHow. I had problems opening many of them on my computer. The screen kept popping up saying that I was leaving a secure location and others would be able to see my information. But when I clicked "ok" nothing happened. This results in me not being able to a majority of the sites. Very Frustrating! I thought that the WikiHow website was very easy to use. The edit and publish buttons were very visible and easy to use. Searching for wikis was also very easy using this website.
I have to say, though, that I did not really feel inspired to create one of my own. There was a wide variety of wikis and many were very interesting, but I don't think that they are for me (not yet). Many appeared to be informational. It felt strange how you could go in and edit someone else's hard work. I can see the benefit of being able to work as a group on one site but I think that would prefer to use Google Docs. I guess I didn't see too much of a difference when creating word documents. Although I can see the value and appeal of how you can import picures and videos into the wikis.
I have to say, though, that I did not really feel inspired to create one of my own. There was a wide variety of wikis and many were very interesting, but I don't think that they are for me (not yet). Many appeared to be informational. It felt strange how you could go in and edit someone else's hard work. I can see the benefit of being able to work as a group on one site but I think that would prefer to use Google Docs. I guess I didn't see too much of a difference when creating word documents. Although I can see the value and appeal of how you can import picures and videos into the wikis.
Thing 20 - Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts
I did not really care for either EPN or Podcast Alley.
Podcast Alley: This would definately be better to use for non-academic/personal use. I tried to be consistent with what I was searching for from site to site to see how they compared. I did not get any listings for phonemic awareness on this site. The list of sites that they showed for my search was not narowed down enough.
EPN: This website was a visually was a bit too busy for me. I also had some difficulty opening more than one podcast stated on this site.
The thing I found the easiest which result in the best outcomes for my specific searches was to simply type in podcast + the areas I was interested in finding.
As for downloading things to i-tunes I have been doing this for a while with my churches sermon. I tried to listen to one of their podcasts and could not get it to "pop-up" for me to listen to. Then one day when I was searching for something else on my computer files I stumbles across all of the podcast that I had previously tried to listen to. I like how you can store them on your computers/in your files to easily find when you want them.
For this assessmnet I subscribed to the following podcasts:
1)"Nicki Collom" via Google Reader
2) The Dave Ramsey Show via I-Tunes
3) Money Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life via I-Tunes.
Podcast Alley: This would definately be better to use for non-academic/personal use. I tried to be consistent with what I was searching for from site to site to see how they compared. I did not get any listings for phonemic awareness on this site. The list of sites that they showed for my search was not narowed down enough.
EPN: This website was a visually was a bit too busy for me. I also had some difficulty opening more than one podcast stated on this site.
The thing I found the easiest which result in the best outcomes for my specific searches was to simply type in podcast + the areas I was interested in finding.
As for downloading things to i-tunes I have been doing this for a while with my churches sermon. I tried to listen to one of their podcasts and could not get it to "pop-up" for me to listen to. Then one day when I was searching for something else on my computer files I stumbles across all of the podcast that I had previously tried to listen to. I like how you can store them on your computers/in your files to easily find when you want them.
For this assessmnet I subscribed to the following podcasts:
1)"Nicki Collom" via Google Reader
2) The Dave Ramsey Show via I-Tunes
3) Money Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life via I-Tunes.
Thing 19 - Learn About Podcasting
I found so many interesting podcasts in MANY different subject areas. One I really enjoy are the ones by Dave Ramsey for just personal enjoyment and learning. Here is a link for one below:
As for enducational purposed I can see some podcast being used for professional development for staff. Two that I liked are posted below. Since I am a specialist and a consultant I am not in the classroom a great deal, but I think podcasts would be good to use with students who have difficulty reading. They may learn better through hearing it, plus I liked how some have vidoes or pictures that go along with it. I have enjoyed listening to them during my lunch break; just enough time to learn something new.
I found so many interesting podcasts in MANY different subject areas. One I really enjoy are the ones by Dave Ramsey for just personal enjoyment and learning. Here is a link for one below:
As for enducational purposed I can see some podcast being used for professional development for staff. Two that I liked are posted below. Since I am a specialist and a consultant I am not in the classroom a great deal, but I think podcasts would be good to use with students who have difficulty reading. They may learn better through hearing it, plus I liked how some have vidoes or pictures that go along with it. I have enjoyed listening to them during my lunch break; just enough time to learn something new.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Thing 18 - Slideshare
What did you like about the presentation you embedded? How might Slideshare be useful in the classroom? out of the classroom?
I embedded this slide show because I am very interested in children's phonemic awareness skills and how that is a major factor in regards to reading development. I enjoyed seeing all the different presentations on this particular subject, but this one appeared to be very accurate and thorough.
I know that many students with special learning needs learn better by seeing things. Slide shows would be more visually appealing to many students which might help keep there attention. It also brings in another modality for learning. Also many students have difficulty with taking accurate notes or even taking any notes at all. If the teacher used a slide show, she could simply print it off for the student to see on paper. Then use it for studying later on. And with so slide shows on this website to share/see you can almost find one for any subject area you are teaching without having to put in a lot of work.
I embedded this slide show because I am very interested in children's phonemic awareness skills and how that is a major factor in regards to reading development. I enjoyed seeing all the different presentations on this particular subject, but this one appeared to be very accurate and thorough.
I know that many students with special learning needs learn better by seeing things. Slide shows would be more visually appealing to many students which might help keep there attention. It also brings in another modality for learning. Also many students have difficulty with taking accurate notes or even taking any notes at all. If the teacher used a slide show, she could simply print it off for the student to see on paper. Then use it for studying later on. And with so slide shows on this website to share/see you can almost find one for any subject area you are teaching without having to put in a lot of work.
Thing 17 - Online Productivity
One of the productivity tools that I thought that I could use in my classroom was http://flashcarddb.com/. On this website students can take classroom material and create their own memory games or I could create one for them. This would be a great way to study new information. I liked how it provided multiple choice answers as well as graphs to track progress.
Some of the other productivity tools like the online calendars and reminder lists were neat, but I don't think that I would use them either at work or at home. The main reason is because so many require registering and having to remember user names and passwords. It is starting to get confusing with all the things that I have to remember. Maybe I have to think of a universal username and password that I always use for these types of things and save my more private passwords/usernames for more personal information (like bank accounts.)
Some of the other productivity tools like the online calendars and reminder lists were neat, but I don't think that I would use them either at work or at home. The main reason is because so many require registering and having to remember user names and passwords. It is starting to get confusing with all the things that I have to remember. Maybe I have to think of a universal username and password that I always use for these types of things and save my more private passwords/usernames for more personal information (like bank accounts.)
Thing 16 - Google Docs
I still find all of this technology stuff to be a little scary. Putting thing on the web makes me a bit nervous. I liked google docs and how you were the only one that had access to your documents unless you specifically gave them permission by putting in their e-mail address. I particularly like this site becauce it shows the revisions that have been made. I often work with graduate interns who are required to write reports for me. We do a lot of e-mailing with attachment, printing it off, writing in corrections, then e-amiling again. We try to take good notes, but it is often tricky to remember which was the first draft vs th 4th draft. It gets very confusing. This would be PERFECT to use.
I did not have a problem uploading or creating a new doc. Actually uploading was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. I DID have problem with adding my information/details to the "23Things Learners" spreadsheets though, as I could not locate it. I looked and looked with no success. I though it would be under the area that said "collections shared with me" but it was not there.....where else might I find it?
What issues come to mind about using this tool with students (ie, they need email addresses to log-in)?
Well of cource the e-mail address thing could be a problem. I work with younger one so them not having the keyboarding skills needed could also be a problem.
I did not have a problem uploading or creating a new doc. Actually uploading was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. I DID have problem with adding my information/details to the "23Things Learners" spreadsheets though, as I could not locate it. I looked and looked with no success. I though it would be under the area that said "collections shared with me" but it was not there.....where else might I find it?
What issues come to mind about using this tool with students (ie, they need email addresses to log-in)?
Well of cource the e-mail address thing could be a problem. I work with younger one so them not having the keyboarding skills needed could also be a problem.
Thing 15 - RSS Revisited
Things are beginning to get easier. I like how this assignment made you go back and practice the things you already learned. It took me a while to figure things out. I don't know why, but subscribing to the tag feed was the most difficult. I kept trying to do it over and over again, but found out that I had aleady done it correctly. I just couldn't find it because my subscriptions were't organized very well.
I have not really been checking my news feeds regularly. I thought (and still think) that the google reader page can be a bit busy and overwhelming.
I was able to organize it a bit better by putting things into different folders. Looking through it was fun. I began to see again why I had chosen the blogs that I did. I am hoping that it does become a habit. I think I can learn a lot from others.
I have not really been checking my news feeds regularly. I thought (and still think) that the google reader page can be a bit busy and overwhelming.
I was able to organize it a bit better by putting things into different folders. Looking through it was fun. I began to see again why I had chosen the blogs that I did. I am hoping that it does become a habit. I think I can learn a lot from others.
Thing 14 - Bookmarking with Delicious
My Delicious username is syversonl. I think that using a social bookmarking wesite,such as Delecious, will be very helpful. I do a lot of consulting with staff and often do research on my computer. This will help me locate good websites quicker and will save me a lot of time. I love how it gets loaded onto your browser. It makes bookmarking sites so easy. I think I will be using this daily.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thing 13 - Social Bookmarking and Tagging
The two articles about tagging and using social networking sites were interesting and made it seem like a easy task.
Tagging seems to be a very useful tool. I find a LOT of great website, articles, blogs, etc. on the internet and often want to somehow save them so that I can find them later. Currently I add them to my favorites, but that list is getting VERY long and confusing. Many of the articles or websites fit into the same category. I have to give them different and often creative names that are similar, but they are still hard to find since they are not linked together in any particular fashion. This might just be the answer. I also like how it is connected to the internet so that you can access it from any computer.
Possible disadvantages: It seems like you need to make sure that you "tag" it correctly, and remember the tag(s) so that you can find it at a later time. I am also a little bit leary of having sign up for another thing on the internet. There are so many things/site to remember. Plus I still feel a little bit uncomfortable with the social networking "sharing" part. I like to keep my things private. I am interested in learning more.
Tagging seems to be a very useful tool. I find a LOT of great website, articles, blogs, etc. on the internet and often want to somehow save them so that I can find them later. Currently I add them to my favorites, but that list is getting VERY long and confusing. Many of the articles or websites fit into the same category. I have to give them different and often creative names that are similar, but they are still hard to find since they are not linked together in any particular fashion. This might just be the answer. I also like how it is connected to the internet so that you can access it from any computer.
Possible disadvantages: It seems like you need to make sure that you "tag" it correctly, and remember the tag(s) so that you can find it at a later time. I am also a little bit leary of having sign up for another thing on the internet. There are so many things/site to remember. Plus I still feel a little bit uncomfortable with the social networking "sharing" part. I like to keep my things private. I am interested in learning more.
Thing 12 - Blog Widgets
I though that this was one of the more frusturating assigments. I took me a while to make sense of things. There are so many different widget/gadgets. It took me a while to figure out how to format it on my page. I can't say that I am completely comforable with embedding codes, but it is getting easier.
Yes, I do belong to other online communities. I use facebook and speaking of speech often. I do not think that the relationships are as good as face to face, but it is a great way to keep in contact. That way when you do have time to meet face to face you know more about that persons daily activities. Many of my conversations are started by commenting on something I have seen other individuals post online.
I think that social networking on the computer is a very dangerous thing for kids. I have some preteen nieces and nephews that go on facebook (etc) and have some seem some inappropriate things being said by both them and their friends. It almost seems like they feel safer saying things through the computer rather them face to face. It also seems to be a popularity thing....Who can get the most "friends" .But it appears that kids and technology just go together. Parent and teachers need to make sure that they are monitored closely.
Yes, I do belong to other online communities. I use facebook and speaking of speech often. I do not think that the relationships are as good as face to face, but it is a great way to keep in contact. That way when you do have time to meet face to face you know more about that persons daily activities. Many of my conversations are started by commenting on something I have seen other individuals post online.
I think that social networking on the computer is a very dangerous thing for kids. I have some preteen nieces and nephews that go on facebook (etc) and have some seem some inappropriate things being said by both them and their friends. It almost seems like they feel safer saying things through the computer rather them face to face. It also seems to be a popularity thing....Who can get the most "friends" .But it appears that kids and technology just go together. Parent and teachers need to make sure that they are monitored closely.
Thing 11: Community 2.0
Thing 11
Blogging Etequitte. I guess I never really thought about it before. Posting comments is not a new thing for me. I frequently comment on posts on blogs on a particular area of interest. Through the years I have seen some really good things and have learned through them, as well as seen some very nasty posts. I like the line in one of the articles that said "Don't post when you are angry." Not everyone does though. I think posting and receiving comments on blogs is a great thing. Checking for comments can become addicting though. I really enjoy when I post a questions and people post back with ideas. It has been a great learning tool for me. I love the dialoge and sharing between professionals. I have been very picky as to which blogs I frequently go to and comment on though. There are so many.
As for students, I am not sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing. I think that is when blogging etiguette would be so important. I can see how constructive and positive comments could be a good thing, but mean and negative comments could be very hurtful and damaging.
Blogging Etequitte. I guess I never really thought about it before. Posting comments is not a new thing for me. I frequently comment on posts on blogs on a particular area of interest. Through the years I have seen some really good things and have learned through them, as well as seen some very nasty posts. I like the line in one of the articles that said "Don't post when you are angry." Not everyone does though. I think posting and receiving comments on blogs is a great thing. Checking for comments can become addicting though. I really enjoy when I post a questions and people post back with ideas. It has been a great learning tool for me. I love the dialoge and sharing between professionals. I have been very picky as to which blogs I frequently go to and comment on though. There are so many.
As for students, I am not sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing. I think that is when blogging etiguette would be so important. I can see how constructive and positive comments could be a good thing, but mean and negative comments could be very hurtful and damaging.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thing 10 - Embed and Download Video
Here is a video of a beautiful song. Enjoy!
Yea! This is one of the things that I have wanted to learn how to do. I have been seeing people use YouTube videos in their power point presentations for a long time now and have always wondered how they did it. I never imaged that you had to go to other websites such as "keepvid" or "zamar". Now I finally know how! Thanks 23 Things.
Thing 9 - Online Video
YouTube has a plethora of wonderful videos on just about anything that you can think of. I found videos that would be great to show both my students as well as for staff professional development opportunities. I enjoy watching them. I am sure my students would love it too.
One major hesitation I have about using YouTube in the classroom is how it is not filtered very well. There are many posts appropriate for children to see, but MANY more that are not appropriate.
You tube is restricted in my building. But I have heard through a friend that we can access Teacher Tube in our school. I though browsing through that site was a bit tougher, but they still had some fun videos too.
This is one of may favorite video that makes me laugh every time.
One major hesitation I have about using YouTube in the classroom is how it is not filtered very well. There are many posts appropriate for children to see, but MANY more that are not appropriate.
You tube is restricted in my building. But I have heard through a friend that we can access Teacher Tube in our school. I though browsing through that site was a bit tougher, but they still had some fun videos too.
This is one of may favorite video that makes me laugh every time.
Thing 8 - Fun with Images
Wow! There are so many different tools and projects to create it was almost overwhelming. I liked Flickr Mashups the best. I felt that they were a litte easier to use. I thought the Image Generators were much more complicated. It will take much more time to become more comforable using those ones.
I though that many of these would be great to use to liven up a power point presentation.
Spell with Flickr http://metaatem.net/words/

I though that many of these would be great to use to liven up a power point presentation.
Spell with Flickr http://metaatem.net/words/
Thing 7: Share Your Photos Online
Thing 7: Share Your Photos Online
Flickr definately has a wide variety of photos. This would come in handy when creating more visually appealing powerpoint presentations for both co-workers and students. I am a bit concerned about students going on and searching themselves as some of the picture are not appropriate for all ages to view. I am also not sure we would have access to this site at our school . I will have to check that out.
Flickr definately has a wide variety of photos. This would come in handy when creating more visually appealing powerpoint presentations for both co-workers and students. I am a bit concerned about students going on and searching themselves as some of the picture are not appropriate for all ages to view. I am also not sure we would have access to this site at our school . I will have to check that out.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thing 5
THING 5: Managing Your RSS
I thought that this part was going to be a lot more fun than it was. Everyone's pages looked so different. Many of them seemed disorganized and difficult to follow. I also had a difficult time finding any sites that I just LOVED. You said that it can be overwhelming and that is just what I felt.
I thought that this part was going to be a lot more fun than it was. Everyone's pages looked so different. Many of them seemed disorganized and difficult to follow. I also had a difficult time finding any sites that I just LOVED. You said that it can be overwhelming and that is just what I felt.
Thing 4: What is RSS
How might you use RSS in your personal or professional life?
I think that that it can be very time consuming going to all the different sites that you like. Then once you have spent the time going there there is not always anything new or worthwhile. This is a great way to have it all come together and save time. Plus it keeps your favorites right in front of you so you don't forget about it. Very cool. I am hoping that we will be learining a way to group personal sites and professional sites into clusters. That would be very helpful.
Which method of subscribing do you prefer? What didn't work or doesn't make sense?Overall I had the easiest time subscribing to sites with the orange icon. This was SUPER easy. I found that using the subscribe button was easy for me too. I did, however, have difficulty with subscribing to a site while I was browsing and on a particular site that did not have a subscribe icon. I made three attempts before I actually go it. Once I did though I wondered why it too me so long. It wasn't really that tricky. I will definately need more practice on that one. I also had difficulty with knowing if I had to have multilple tabs open at the top of my page. One being my search page and one being my google reader account.
I think that that it can be very time consuming going to all the different sites that you like. Then once you have spent the time going there there is not always anything new or worthwhile. This is a great way to have it all come together and save time. Plus it keeps your favorites right in front of you so you don't forget about it. Very cool. I am hoping that we will be learining a way to group personal sites and professional sites into clusters. That would be very helpful.
Which method of subscribing do you prefer? What didn't work or doesn't make sense?Overall I had the easiest time subscribing to sites with the orange icon. This was SUPER easy. I found that using the subscribe button was easy for me too. I did, however, have difficulty with subscribing to a site while I was browsing and on a particular site that did not have a subscribe icon. I made three attempts before I actually go it. Once I did though I wondered why it too me so long. It wasn't really that tricky. I will definately need more practice on that one. I also had difficulty with knowing if I had to have multilple tabs open at the top of my page. One being my search page and one being my google reader account.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thing 3: :Learning Through Others
I really enjoyed looking at the many different blogs. I think I could spend a few days just looking a blogs. It kind of becomes addicting when you start to see how much you can learn from other people. Some make bringing technology into the classroom look so easy. I loved the ideas of having each student having their own blog connected to the teacher page. That way it can become almost like the students electonic portfolio. Using video and audio is another great idea. (I though Blogs were just for writing. I didn't know you could put on video and audio too.) I like how one person simply recorded students reading aloud. How neat for them to be able to hear themselves on the computer once they are done. I could see these student website/blogs being really motivating to students, as well as having them want to chare what they have created with others.
Thing 1 and Thing 2
THING 1: Intro
I have had many friends that are "fired up" about using technology in their classrooms, as well as during their personal time. Up until now I did not see what all the fuss was about. The video about using technology in your classrooms to engage students and promote communication was very compelling. It is all making sense now. If kids use and love technology, well then why not use what they love and know in order to teach them and keep them interested in learning. I get it and am looking forward to learning more.
THING 2: Setting up my Blog
I though this was going to be tough, but it really wasn't. I think I will have to spend some more time on all of the formatting stuff though. There are lots of options and ways to personalize it. It is both neat and a little scary thought that something I type will be out there for everyone to see.
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