Karooba Endless Educational Trivia Quiz

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thing 16 - Google Docs

I still find all of this technology stuff to be a little scary. Putting thing on the web makes me a bit nervous. I liked google docs and how you were the only one that had access to your documents unless you specifically gave them permission by putting in their e-mail address. I particularly like this site becauce it shows the revisions that have been made. I often work with graduate interns who are required to write reports for me. We do a lot of e-mailing with attachment, printing it off, writing in corrections, then e-amiling again. We try to take good notes, but it is often tricky to remember which was the first draft vs th 4th draft. It gets very confusing. This would be PERFECT to use.

I did not have a problem uploading or creating a new doc. Actually uploading was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. I DID have problem with adding my information/details to the "23Things Learners" spreadsheets though, as I could not locate it. I looked and looked with no success. I though it would be under the area that said "collections shared with me" but it was not there.....where else might I find it?
What issues come to mind about using this tool with students (ie, they need email addresses to log-in)?
Well of cource the e-mail address thing could be a problem. I work with younger one so them not having the keyboarding skills needed could also be a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you are logging into your Google account with the email address you gave us? We shared with document with you at syverson@trenton.k12.mi.us

    Email us to let us know.
